Year of Marvels: May
Captain America #161-163
Captain America #154

(Also note that they’re calling each other by name here. They usually don’t when they’re in costume, even when they’re alone, especially in Sam’s case because his identity is still very secret. He calls Steve a lot of things – the generic words he uses for anyone like brother, man, etc, the obvious Cap, once even baby. Steve calls him Falcon, Falc, or sometimes imitates Sam’s slang, and guys there is seriously nothing whiter than this damn white kid saying “I dig” like he grew up in the hood. But when Steve’s desperately trying to save him he forgets all about that. They might not be saying it, but they can’t just shake that off so easily.)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #8-9
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1-8
This arc showed a few scenes from Steve’s life pre-serum, including him listening to Roosevelt on the radio before wrapping up with this. Little Stevie Rogers, learning that the president of the United States is disabled, just as he was. It’s pretty adorable.
Captain America vol 1 #169-170

“Sam, you’re perfect how you are, but lemme talk to T’Challa. Back in two hours!” Bless him. (Let’s just not comment on the homoeroticism of the middle image there…. Then again, maybe we should!) And speaking of homoeroticism, note that Steve is currently sleeping in Sam’s office.